Thursday, December 30, 2010

The real journey begins

First, I would like to take just a second to say that if you do not like me for any us both a favor and hit that little red "x" in the right hand corner, as you are officially uninvited to read my blog. That's all I have to say about that! :o)

And the journey begins.....
It has been a little while since I posted anything on here so it looks like I have some back tracking to do. Honestly, after the chemo that I received at UCLA, I felt like shit so I wasn't typing anything! I was under the complete wrong impression that having only one type of chemo was going to be easy...after all I did pretty good with the I.C.E. regimen, right...UGH!!! Boy was I mistaken! I actually started to feel dizzy as they were giving the chemo to me, and that has never happened before. Then I had to wait 2 hours to see the doctor - and that was a treat! And to make matters worse, it took us 4 hours to get home that night! By the time we hit the parking lot of traffic in Redlands, I was in tears (I think Bret was too). Anyhow, we made it home and I went straight to bed...for 4 days! I missed Christmas all together. Well, I vaguely remember coming out of my room to say hello to everyone that was here but that's just about it. I was able to get up and have my best day on Monday (which was also Bret's birthday) only to feel like crap again Tuesday and here I am , feeling pretty good and ready to conquer the world once again!

For those of you that are currently going through treatments, getting ready to go through treatments or just drawing inspiration from my blog (which I think it is amazing that I can inspire anyone) PLEASE DO NOT get discouraged or set back by what I just said...there is a reason for it. The reason that I felt so horrible was because I was given an extremely high dose of chemotherapy that is suppose to flush my stem cells out into my blood stream for collection. I am also giving myself two shots a day to boost my counts and help in the "flushing" process...and I am certain that those are also making me feel yucky (it could also be that my new ritual is to eat sour cream and cheddar chips with a diet Dr. pepper while giving said shots...who knows haha). So, this is not a typical dose of chemotherapy and it has never been this bad...nor will it be again :o) So, keep up the good fight, stay positive for your loved ones and remain inspired!!!

Okay, so I leave today at about 1:00 to stay at the UCLA Tiverton House..the hotel that is on campus so I am close to the doctor. They are concerned that my counts will bottom out and if I get a fever or anything, I am right by the doctor and they will admit me to the hospital immediately....can you imagine if I had to go from Yucaipa to the hospital with a fever, I would get dead on the way!!! So, as a precaution I am off to the City of Angels for a while. My "stuff" starts next Monday with blood work to make sure the stem cells are doing what they are suppose to (getting out of my bones and into my blood) and then Tuesday starts the harvesting process. I can probably come home Friday but I have to be back on the 13th for a visit with the doctor...I will be back at the hotel for a few days before being admitted into the hospital to start the radiation, chemo, transplant and recovery mission. I have to go back a few days early because I have to have a drug called Kepivance administered via IV by a nurse. This drug will help with the mouth and gastrointestinal sores that I will probably get from all the radiation....oh joy!

So, this weekend is just going to be me and my mama playing endless scrabble and Hanging out and doing a whole lot of nothing for no real reason other that to keep me close to the hospital (if you ask me, my counts dropped on Tuesday and are now starting the uphill climb - that is solely based on how I feel today and I have gotten to know my body pretty damn well lately). I will have the computer with me and will update the blog and Facebook as much as possible, even if it is just a little blurb on my progress. It feels good to let it all out and I know a lot of people read this to check up on me.

One more thing....Happy Anniversary Bret!!! I love you! (Today is our 7th wedding anniversary!!!)

I think that's it for now, unless I forgot something - which lately I forget a LOT of somethings, in which case, I will pop back on here and tell you something amazing later (okay, maybe something stupid....but you get what you get with me!)

Later gators!!

xoxo - Joni

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