Monday, October 4, 2010

And...we produced a baby!!!

As you all know from my last post, my Kelly has been trying to evict a little person from her womb for a week now....and it finally happened! Now, in true "Joni form" I will tell you all a little story of how my nephew finally came into this world! Let me take you back to Saturday morning...

I was getting ready to finally go wig shopping and Kelly texted me to let me know that her tooth (that had been infected for a few days) had turned into an abscess and plan Z was going into effect - Call the Dr. tell them about the tooth and see if they will induce her now that she was 2 days over due BINGO!!!! It worked - YAY!! So, I called off the wig shopping so I could head on out to the hospital. Now would be a good time to let you know that after I showered, I brushed my hair and it started falling out that day - perfect, now that I cancelled the wig shopping.

I got to the hospital at 12:30 and Kelly and her hubby, who is also Kelly, were already set up in a little room. This room was like a broom closet that was an afterthought to turn into a really it was tiny with no windows! Thank god they moved us to a real room about an hour later. And this, room 146 , is where we would wait...and wait..and wait some more. About 4:00 the doctor came in and broke the water and Kelly got to have a taste of "real contractions"...about 45 minutes later I was calling the nurse and saying its time for the epidural! This made miss Kelly a lot happier and we were ready to wait...and wait...and wait some more! We did a lot of chatting and TV watching while we waited.

At about 2:00am Big Kelly went home for a little bit and the nurse told Kelly and I to take a nap...yea right! We managed to turn out the lights, but still talked all night! At 2:45 the nurse came in and checked her and we hit 10cm...I was about to jump up and do a happy dance!! BUT...we still had to wait for the little guy to labor down into position....geez there sure is a lot to this birthing business!! Sometime around 4:00 Big Kelly came back, Little Kelly started pushing and at 5:15 we had a baby!!! And I got to cut the cord!!! :o)

Introducing Tanner Cortland Smith, born 10-3-2010 at 5:15am, 7lbs 8oz, 19.5" long

Isn't he friggin cute!!!! I was going to post more pictures...BUT since we were up all night and Kelly had just pushed a baby out - we do not look all that hot so I will save that for another time, and better pics ;o)

Other news:
I already mentioned that my hair started falling out a little on Saturday...well today it decided to go nuts and it's driving me crazy!! It is not making me crazy because I am losing it, but because it is messy and gets all over the place, and because my damn head itches!! I am pretty sure that I will have had Allison shave it off by the end of the week. A lot of people are asking me if I am okay and the answer is yes! I am great (because it is not chemo week and I don't feel like shit) my hair is just falling out. I see it this way - it is part of the process and every step I take gets me closer to getting better. And hey - bald is beautiful, right?? Honestly, I think that the fact that I have done this before helps me get through it this time. So BRING IT ON BALD FAIRY - I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!! hahahahaha (EEEEKKKKK now that I talked crap to the bald fairy, I had better get to that wig shop!)

Light the Night...what can I say but THANK YOU to everyone...and I know I say that in every blog entry, but I truly am thankful for all of your donations. Team Joni is kicking ass and I can't wait for the walk!! We are well over $2000.00 now...AMAZING!!

The link above is the team page, if anyone would like to donate, please either make a team donation, or chose a walker that has not hit $100.00 yet. Each walker that gets at least $100.00 donated gets a shirt, a lit up balloon and other amenities at the walk. I would LOVE to see every member of Team Joni with a lit balloon!!

That's it for today...Have a great night friends!!

xoxo - Joni

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