Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update 9-2-10

It has been 3 days since my surgery and I am still only comfortable laying flat on my back. The surgery was not nearly what I was expecting - at all! From what I was told, they had to collapse my lung in order to work around in there and get the pieces to biopsy. I woke up with a chest tube coming out of my side and a few other holes with staples in them. I also look like Shelby in Steel know the part where they say she has been driving nails up her arms...LOL I have bruises up and down both arms! Good thing I am stuck at home for a week, people would probably freak out over these bad boys!

Haha - that first picture was in prep for surgery, I thought it was going to be a walk in the park - look at that stupid smile!

So, the next step is that I see the oncologist on Tuesday and they will have my results. Basically what we are finding out is what type of lymphoma I have, because it is pretty obvious that I do have lymphoma. The surgeon pretty much said it, as well as the radiologist that read the CT scan. I am sure that I will end up having some more tests and stuff, but at least we are moving along and taking steps to getting me better again.

On a lighter note....
You all know that I had cancer 18 years ago (or at least you should know that by now! lol). Anyhow, back in the day my friend Allison, her sister Traci and I thought it would be funny to put my wig on Traci's 2-year old daughter Katie and take pictures of her. Well...Traci found them the other day and sent them to me!! OMG they are so cute! I also asked Katie if she would be up for another photo shoot in a month or two...I am sure she will be just as cute at 20 as she was at 2!!!


Well...that is about all I have for now and I can't stand to sit up any longer! So, I'm gonna go pop a pill and fall asleep while watching Maury! hahaha I can't believe I am saying this, but I wish I was either at work or stressing over some homework right about now!

xoxo - Joni


  1. In my best southern accent, "Shelby has been driving nails up her arm"...I pretty much have that movie memorized! Hard to believe that's not the arm that the IV was actually in! Guess the nurse needed practice ;) The baby pic is super cute...we should start a game though to guess who's in the poster hanging on the wall! It was Corey Haim allll over my walls! LMAO! ...Next stop- Upland to see Mr. Miller. Hugs to you mama!

  2. thats me! that cute little girl =D awww JONI! cant wait for the next photo shoot. You got this with TEAM JONI right behind you!!

  3. Love the pic... So glad I found it. You have so many people on your side.. As Katie said you got this Team Joni all the way. :)
