Tuesday, September 7, 2010

There's good news and bad news...

People usually want to hear the good news first, right? So...here it is. I signed up for the Light the Night walk as captain of "Team Joni" yesterday and I have already met my donation goal of $100.00 thanks to one of the best guys I know (besides Bretty)- Ricky D :o) from Louisiana!!! Thank you Rick - you rock!! If anyone else wants to donate to the cause or join the team and walk with us, I will post the information at the bottom of this here little update.

And now for the bad news....I found out today that I have to have a bone marrow transplant. Completely shocked the shit out of me!!! Completely!! Evidently, it is part of the protocol for a recurrence of lymphoma...ain't that just friggin dandy! So over the next two weeks I have to get my staples out, get a bone marrow biopsy, get a PET scan, get blood work done, get a medi-port installed and take a class on the effects of chemotherapy. And then on September 21st, I start ICE chemotherapy..which is a 3-day process that I will be doing. I will have chemo Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then have 2 weeks off and do it again. Once the chemo shows that it is working, then they will get me ready for the transplant, which will take place at UCLA. I am NOT looking forward to this, BUT I can handle it and will get through it with my gloves on fighting the whole way. There may be some kicking and screaming and hair pulling...but sometimes you have to fight dirty! And with Team Joni on my heels...this cancer better be scared!!

Thank you all again for all of the support and prayers...You guys inspire me to keep up the good fight! Here is the information on Light the Night...

Light The Night Walk is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's evening walk and fundraising event. It is the nation's night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of people battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones lost.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) funds lifesaving research that has contributed to major advances in the treatment of blood cancers and treatments for other types of cancer, such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplants. New targeted therapies that kill cancer cells without harming normal tissue are providing drugs and procedures that are improving quality of life.

And here is my page - you can either donate or sign up to walk with me on October 16th :o)


xoxo - Joni

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