Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life after transplant...so far

It has been a while since I posted anything, but its not because I don't love you...its because my computer decided to take a crap on me a few days before I came home. So, I am going to do my best to recap the last 2 weeks :o)

Lets see, I was released from the hospital on February 6th and had an appointment with the nurse practitioner on Monday and then again on Thursday with her as well as the doctor. All of my counts were on the rise with the most important at the time being my platelets...because since they were at 87K that meant I got to get my pheresis catheter out on Friday! YAY. Getting that thing out was quite the experience...to say the least!

First, Mr. Personality came in and actually talked to me a little bit. He is the same surgeon that put it in, and said all of 2 words to me before surgery, so I was pretty surprised that he even said anything. He proceeds to lay me down and take some metal tool to pick the scab off that had formed around this thing...OUCH!!! THEN he shoots me up with the lidocaine to rip the catheter out. Now, why the hell did he not do the numbing before picking out the monster scab is beyond me - because that was the part that hurt the worst! Anyhow, all numb and he grabs a hold of this thing and rips it out...just like that! And to my total shock, this tube that went up into my jugular was a freaking foot long!!! It had to have gone clear up into my brain!! I have a picture, but I will leave that one out...its kinda gross. I applied pressure onto some gauze for 15 minutes, they bandaged me up and sent me packing.....I was going home!

Fast forward 2 hours and I got home to my couch and 65" TV (yea the one that I didn't get to watch the Steelers lose on....LOL) Unfortunately, Bret had to work until 9pm and we didn't have the kids that weekend so I was on my own with the pooch, Elliott, for a while. I think he missed me because as soon as I was settled on the couch, he was up my butt....crazy dog! Here is a pic of my homecoming picture with Elliott...haha

It has been 2 weeks and 4 days since that picture was taken. I look a lot healthier now, and have gained 3 pounds back. I ended up losing about 21 pounds so I guess gaining 3 is not so bad. Although, I like the weight I am at now and don't want to gain anymore!

In that 2 weeks since I have been home a lot has happened. Initially, I was very very tired and it took everything I had just to get off the couch to walk to the bathroom or bedroom. The energy level that I had was pretty much non existent. Every day it gets better though and yesterday I actually went out and shot a few hoops with the boys :o) I didn't last very long, but it made me feel good to even last 10 minutes. I know that I have to take it easy since I am only 1 month out from transplant, but when I start feeling good, I just want to do everything I did before. My body tells me when to throw in the towel though, and I am a good listener!

My taste buds were also gone and have still not returned to normal. I can tell that they are getting better but stuff still tastes funny. I hope they return to normal soon because I am getting sick of this taste - bleck! I describe it as it tastes like I have been chewing on a piece of foil.

Another side effect that I have is the hyperpigmentation of my skin. I look like I went out and got a sunburn that turned tan and is now peeling...bad and everywhere! The skin on my palms and bottom of my feet was really weird because before they started to peel, it was like a callous and I could not feel my fingers or heels. The skin came off in big 'ole chunks (with my help)and now I can feel again. I swear the crap that they don't tell you before you do a transplant....grrr! Not like I could have stopped it, but at least I could have been ready for it, right?? Yes - right!!

I got a few giggles the other day reading the stuff that I was posting on Facebook from the hospital. A lot of it I don't remember saying so it is extra funny. There was one post that was in the middle of the night and I was talking about my machines in my room snoring. Ahhhh the effects of having 24-7 morphine drip with the added bonus of a button to push when you want more....apparantly I wanted more a lot! I think I was pretty much doped up for 2 weeks! when I think back, it wasn't the greatest feeling to be on that stuff so I am glad I am now drug-free...hehehe

I guess that is it for now...I know I am missing stuff so I will update as I think of it.

xoxo - Joni

1 comment:

  1. Joni, your skin must be baby soft now! One good thing about all that peeling. ;) Glad to read you're feeling better each day. HUGS!
