Friday, August 27, 2010


So, last night Bret and I tore apart the garage looking for my medical records for this reason - the oncologist office that I have been referred to said they need the records for me to even make an appointment and that I had to get them. Well, I just happened to have a copy of my own and figured screw 'em I will give them those....ummm yea, we moved 10 months ago and could not find them anywhere! Of course, I totally remember what else was in the box that I threw them in, so every time Bret would open a box I would say "nope." Mind you, it is about 900 degrees in Southern California right now, so we were both about to have heat stroke looking for this stuff. We gave up and instead pulled out all of our old photo albums and sat with the kids laughing at ourselves. Until I felt like I over exerted myself and went to bed - at 8:00 - I feel like an old lady!

Anyhow....this morning everyone leaves and I was ready a little early, so I decided to give it another look. Low and behold, I open one box and it was like the was sun shining right out of it!!! I knew that was the box!!! I did a little happy dance, dug to the bottom of the box and YIPPEEEE I found them!! Not only did I find the records, but I found the one and only picture of me bald from my first battle with cancer. I have maybe showed 5 people this picture in 18 years and I'm about to post it here - I must be losing my mind!! I also found a cute picture of me and Sara with our wigs on :o) Here they are.....

A lot of you will remember what I looked like in the second picture, but I can guarantee you that only about 3 of you will remember the first "look" since I never took that stupid thing off! That picture was part of a photo shoot for Billboard Magazine in 1992, the girl in the picture is Tracy Earl and the guy in the background is my little bro Michael. That picture was not in the magazine. I never would have thought I would be putting it out there for the world to see, but it has been a lot of years and it doesn't bother me anymore - hell, looking back, I think I looked kinda cute - hahaha!

Today's Update:
Not much to report, I am in a bit of pain everyday now so I am excited to get my biopsy done on Monday and get this moving forward. I called the oncologist this morning and they are trying to schedule me in for one week after my biopsy, so they have the results when they see me. Of course I argued and said I am in pain and want to be seen sooner...but I do realize that they need my results to see what we are dealing with. Therefore I am going to throw a stink on Monday before surgery and tell the doctor that I need to go home with a LOT of vicodin and that he needs to put a rush on the pathology...I will say please though :o) And if that doesn't work - I am going to sick my mom, Allison and Kelly on me, he doesn't want that to happen!!!

xoxo Joni


  1. Yes.. they DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN! I am already about to throw a fit with that Dr's office! Geezz. The surgeons office better give you some Vicodin or I will find some for you. lol

    Anyway.. you look beautiful with a bald head.. HOT! :)LOVE YOU!

  2. Georgie, you are one of the most beautiful people I know even with the Kojak look going on (oops, guess that dated me for sure)! Anyway I love your face........ :-)

  3. Joni, You are truly beautiful with or without hair. Oh and just a reminder if you need anymore bitch power with the doctors I am only a phone call away. I have been told that my ability to "persuade" people to do as I want is amazing. On a serious note I love you and I am praying very hard for you....... Misty
