Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brilliant idea!!!

Yesterday I was chatting with an old friend and he said something that totally cracked me up! He said this “when you talk to the Make a Wish Foundation, this time ask for a house in Hawaii or a billion bucks.” Of course he was kidding because Make a Wish is for kids. What he said next was the best part…he told me I should register at Target because he would rather buy something for a friend with cancer than someone that is popping out another kid (all totally in good humor of course!). This got me thinking…what a brilliant idea is that??? LOL I can see it now, the registry list:

5-gallon bucket – For puking purposes
Thermometer – Because everyone is going to want to take my temp 24-7
A bigger TV for my room – So I can sleep through movies on a bigger screen
Movies – Again, so I can sleep right through them
Books – So I can read 3 pages at a time and then fall asleep
Pajama’s – Since it appears that I will be sleeping a lot
Popsicles - Because that is the only thing I ever want when I feel sick
Ice packs and heating pad – for the chills and the sweats
Scarves and hats – Gotta cover that head up!

And whatever else my little heart desires when I am walking through the aisles with the all mighty register gun! You all know that you have registered for crap that you would never use just because you have the POWER!! Hahahaha Really people – who actually uses the banana hanger?? hehehehehe

I think my friend might be onto something here…maybe I should write a letter to Target and explain my position?? Sick people around the world could totally score the goods and not just get flowers and the neighbor’s yucky pot roast for dinner. :o)

By the way….this conversation did take place BUT this is 100% an all-in-good-humor post so don’t run out to Target and start buying this junk – it is just a joke. Seriously though, if anyone sends me a 5-gallon bucket…they will regret it!!! I WILL send it back full!! :o)

Today's update:
Saw the surgeon and I have pre-op at 6:00am Sunday....coming from Yucaipa is gonna blow!! LOL They will call me on Sunday afternoon to tell me what time my surgery is on Monday. He will be doing some kind of scope (probably laproscopic) surgery going in from my left side and removing some lymph nodes. I had my gallbladder removed last year and that laproscopic surgery left me with 4 scars..I am going to have even more now and look like a damn road map! Haha Anyhow, the junk he removes will go to pathology and we will see what we are dealing with....although he and I both pretty much agree that we already know. So, there it is...the daily dose of my journey!

xoxo ~ Joni

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