Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why YOU keep ME going.....

I just wanted to take a minute to share some of the emails and texts that I have received from YOU! This is part of the reason that I am so strong through all of this....I have soooo much support that I am completely humbled and eternally thankful. I am not going to put anyone's name next to the quote because I didn't ask anyone for if you would like to claim your words - PLEASE do so and show the world what you said to me that kept me going. Here we go....

I just had to write and tell you about the dream I had this morning. I have been having a hard time lately, a friend of mine passed away not long ago and I have been pretty depressed. Reading your posts and seeing your strength has really made a difference for me.
This morning I dreamt that I was on a beach, waiting for a war to start. There were a lot of us there, just waiting. Then bombs starting coming out over the water, exploding in the buildings in front of us. I started running, like everyone else. I came to a doorway and yelled in, "They're shooting bombs! They're coming! What do we do? What do we do?!?" I was so scared in the dream. I remember it so clearly.
You came running to the doorway, looked me right in the eye and said, "J.....a, we've survived this long, don't worry, we'll make it." And then I woke up.
The dream reminded me that we have so much to be thankful for, that we have all survived adversity in one way or another and that the love for life itself is so important. So, thanks, Joni, for inspiring me in the real world, and giving me a slap of reality in my dreams!

Hi Joni,
You are such an inspiration to all, we should be half the person you are. I just read something about team Joni, I am not good at the fb/links but would like to join your fight. Can you tell me what I need to do. And how do I buy a t-shirt. I love seeing you smiling face. Your wit just cracks me up. You take care and stay out of trouble. lol

Hi Joni...

I just wanted to send you a message and let you know something you're already likely aware of! You're such an inspiration. H...n had let us know the cancer decided to return to your life and I decided to peek over here one day and saw your blog... your attitude is rock solid and awesome.

A group of us did some work the last few years with the Relay For Life (with AMS) and this year I put a luminary out for you. Just wanted to tell you that and send you some love. Weird from (guess who) ? maybe but I dont care LOL ;)

I seriously ♥ your blog! It helps me even all these years later. I have always kept such a positive attitude...when I got sick I was just married not even 1 year yet and we were just starting out our lives. I continued to work as much as I could and keep a somewhat "normal" life. I finally was able to get pregnant and I have one sweet & happy 4 yr old boy. As I'm approaching our 10 yr wedding anniversary all these what if's are coming up for me. It's so strange because I've never been like that. But I'm wondering if we didn't get such a late start on children (5 yrs into our marriage because of the cancer) maybe I would have had more children. now I feel too old :( I'm just feeling like darn cancer robbed so much from me. At the same time I volunteer for the American Cancer society almost full time for the Relay for Life in our community...I LOVE what I do and honestly if I didn't have cancer I can't say I would be doing what I do today.

UCLA is where I went for treatment..Dr. Gary Schiller was my Dr...he's tough but the best there! I plan to keep reading your blog and keeping up with your happenings. You are so strong and you have such an amazing outlook!


Those were just a few of the emails that I have received. From now on, I am going to end every blog with a text or email from someone that inspires of YOU! I don't know if you all realize how much of an impact you have on me. there have been times when I felt like absolute shit and then I get a text, email or FB comment and I lites up my day. This blog is dedicated to all of YOU that inspire ME to keep up this fight!

YOU make me feel like this....

When I really feel like this...

And for that I thank you all for your love, prayers, support, toasts and just thinking of me.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am now at UCLA Tiverton house until Monday when I check into Ronald Reagan Medical Center for a grueling week of radiation and chemotherapy in preparation for my transplant. One day soon, this is all going to be a memory and I think it is going to be a good one. THIS is what makes me, me and for that I am thankful. Thank you all for being you and standing behind me - I love you!

xoxo ~ Joni

Quote of the day:
"Girl u got some guts, bret and I are very proud of u!!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Joni! It's me, Jessica. I just got a chance to catch up on your blog and I was surprised and flattered to see my crazy dream e-mail up here! I'm SO glad that my note made you feel good, because you do the same for so many of us. Much love to you! I think of you often and wish I was closer so I could come by and visit you in hotel UCLA. I had surgery's two star at best! ;)
