Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More random thoughts from Joni

I have been having a lot of my weird thoughts lately and they are perfect for this entertaining little bloggy thing....haha I didn't want to take away from the Team Joni dedication I posted earlier, so this one is dedicated solely to the weird crap that pops into my head, or that happen to me! So, as you read...don't say I didn't warn you....this is VERY random!

1. Being bald can cut your shower time in half.

2. So why is it that I wash my "hair" with shampoo still? And no, I don't condition - that would just be weird!

3. A pea-size drop of Pantene goes a looooong way when you are washing a billiard ball.

4. I still do the "eye shield" as to not get shampoo run off from my hair in my eyes...really?? Old habits die hard!

5. I have not shaved my legs or armpits in two weeks!! And I don't need to - hahaha

6. When I turn the shower off, I still go to wring my hair before grabbing the towel to dry it!

7. I sooo want to do the towel wrap on my head when I get out, but my head is already dry and it is not necessary. I think I will start doing it again, just for the hell of it!

That is enough about my showering habits!

More weird thoughts...

I am thinking about being Uncle Fester for Halloween! All I need is a long coat and some black circles around my eyes and I am set! Wait - I should be Auntie Fester...duh!

See...Perfect!! And it won't cost anything!

Can you believe I am getting use to the bald look?? I wore my wig last night for the first time and I think I looked funny...I am not use to seeing myself with hair! What the hell! I like hair and I really want to have it again...so these thoughts need to GO AWAY!!! eeekkkk!!!

Other stuff....

I need to give a BIG shout out to my friend Magaly!!! This last weekend she cut her hair off and donated it to Locks of Love - for the second time!!! She cried the first time and hated her cute haircut so I am soooo proud of her for doing it again - and this time she went shorter and looks just as cute!! Thank you for donating to such a great cause my friend!!!

I am officially going stir crazy and no longer feel the need to "nest"!! I even offered to write my a college paper for my nephew or stuff envelopes...I am sooo freaking bored with this being at home crap! I guess I could clean house, but who wants to do that? I would rather put hot pokers in my eyes! hahaha

I told Bret this morning that I am going to bake something today. I better run to the store and grab one of those "just add water" brownie mix things! I wouldn't want to try to actually do something from scratch, I don't want to hurt anyone!

I will wrap this nonsense up with something that actually pertains to this cancer business. I have my appointment with UCLA on Friday...so we will see where we are headed with the bone marrow transplant. I am almost done with my chemo, so I would imagine a bunch of testing is going to be done pretty soon to see how much I kicked cancer's ass. Then we move forward - I have a feeling that I will be in isolation during Christmas, but we will look at it this way, I am getting the gift of life and not just another sweater! :o)

xoxo - Joni

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