Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday I had to go in for my PET scan which was interesting, as I have never done one of these before. First, I had a late appointment and had to fast all day, which totally sucked because all I do is eat, sleep and watch TV all day now! So, this was a challenge in itself! Then, I get there like 45 minutes early because I totally misjudged the time it would take to get to Corona from Yucaipa. They had me sit in the waiting room until like 2:05..really there was only like 2 people there..lets get this party started!

As I sat in the waiting room, there was an older man talking to a lady (who I am assuming was his wife) and she was totally not listening to him. I was though and he was talking about Lady Gaga's meat suit, and the bible and all sorts of stuff that obviously was not interesting to wifey as all she kept saying was "uh huh" while flipping through her magazine. He sure was a chatty feller with a weird voice to boot!!

So, they call me back and I go into this room that has four separated areas that are separated by a curtain. Each little room has a recliner (the most uncomfortable recliner in the world, by the way) and a table. For the PET scan they check your blood sugar and then start an IV....So me, being me, asks the girl doing the IV how long she has been a nurse and she tells me that she has been a medical assistant for 13 years. I totally did not know that medical assistants can start IV's...can they??? Well, either way - she did! Then the tech came in and put the tracer in my IV - the tracer is going to go to all of the "hot spots" in my body and let them know where all of my cancer is. And now - I get to kick it in that dark room and wait 1 hour before I can do the test!! I brought a book, but since my night vision skills are not totally honed in, I could not read it!! They gave me a pillow and it was freezing cold in there! Wonderful - note to time wear socks and tennis shoes!

About 20 minutes into the longest hour of my friggin life, I hear "I can't sing anymore, otherwise I would entertain you"...HAHAHAHA it is the old man from the waiting room, behind curtain number 1. I don't say anything and a few minutes later he says "This has got to be the most boring part of this test", I still say nothing because I saw how chatty he was in the waiting room and I certainly do not want to spend this hour chatting it up with Sir Talks A Lot through curtains in the dark - creepy!! I figure he is done...oohhh no! 5 minutes later he says, "I don't know about you but I am starting to feel like a mushroom in here". I just stayed quiet but was cracking up on the inside. Looking back, maybe I should have humored him and talked back....naahhhh!!! Finally, they call him back for the scan and I have 20 more minutes in time out. Once he is done, they call me and I have to pee like nobody's business so I ask if I can go before the scan...and lo-and-behold, he is in the only potty that patients are allowed to use! So, I waited patiently for 3 minutes and he comes out...I go in and of course - he had peed all over the seat!! Really??? Come on now! I don't even deal with this shit at home and I am surrounded by I have to wipe up old man pee before I can go!! Jeeezzzz!!

Once I finished cleaning the bathroom, I went in for my scan..yet another freezing ass cold room in this building! The scan is going in a tube and slowly coming out of it over the course of 20 minutes...with your arms above your head...enough for them to freeze into that position! They finished it up, gave me a granola bar and sent me packing....all the way to McDonald's for a 6-piece chicken nuggets and a diet Dr. Pepper!!! Ahhhhhh FOOD!!!

Other news:
Still waiting on the authorization for my medi-port to be installed...time is running out, and it is looking like my first chemo might have to be in the old veins!! I hope that works out since all of the ones in my arms are completely shot! I am going to look stupid getting chemo through a vein in my foot or my forehead!! hahaha

Light the Night:
Light the Night is in full swing! The team has raised $1000.00 so far!!! I am so grateful to everyone involved, you have no idea!!! We have 18 walkers and a ton of people that have donated. I would like to thank those of you that have donated:

Debra Black
Sue Paez
Lana and Tom Frederic
Sharon and Chris Ronca
Joni McKamey
Kim and Jim Vanderham
Kim and Justin King
Will Campos
Lauraine and Kevin Grishow
Norann King
Delfina Fernandez
Stephanie and Joe Ciaglia
Jennifer Kleinert
Rick Denson
Ron and Brooke Parongao
Sue and Nick Gomez
Sandy Hinkle
(if I put you down as a single person and you are married, I apologize - it just means I don't know your spouses name so let me know and I will correct it :o)

And thank you to those of you that have joined Team Joni as walkers:
Denise Brant
Abby Brant
Jacob Brant
Bret Kennedy
Landon Kennedy
Daylon Kennedy
Chris Ronca
Sharon Kennedy-Ronca
Kris Piepenhagen
Taylor Piepenhagen
Jim Reinhardt
Missy Telles
Lisa Velasquez
Daniel Velasquez
Daniel Velasquez III
Allison Waymire
Nicole Cerezo
and ME!! :o)

I know that I will have people to add to both lists, but I just wanted to get some recognition out there for those of you that have already signed on - THANK YOU!! If you want to take part, here is that link (again hehehe)

Also...we have someone donating t-shirts to our team!!! They will say "Team Joni" on the front and "No Surrender" on the back! A special Thank you to Nicole's friend Stephen for this!! I hope to meet you in person to say thanks and give you a hug!! :o)

I think that is enough rambling for one morning...I'm gonna go clean something now! Oh how I miss work and school....this stay at home crap is for the birds!

xoxo - Joni