So, I am finally going to go public and say it, I was terminated from my job! I did not mention it much when it happened because I was told that I would be going back July 25th "unless something goes wrong." Well, evidently it went wrong, but I am not complaining.
I loved my job and I will just lay it out there - I was damn good at it! So, I am not going to say anything ill toward the company, because that would be unreasonable of me to do so. They terminated my employment because the insurance was giving them grief for me being gone too long. I exhausted my FMLA and 2 extensions on the California Medical Leave Act, so the only way for me to still keep me on the health insurance was to terminate me and add me to the COBRA plan. Of course when they originally told me, I flipped out and it was a hysteric mess of me crying with snot and crocodile tears - the whole ball of wax! Then they told me it would be $750.00 a month - WHAT? I lost it all over again, where the hell was I going to get that kind of money? And then I learned about how much people do care.
I was invited to lunch by 2 of the VP's and my direct supervisor and I accepted. I had a feeling that I was going to get a better explanation from them than I did from the HR people, and I really did. Then, they dropped the bomb - a good bomb! The employees pulled together and donated cash and vacation time to give to me. They gave me me $800.00 in cash and a check for about $3800.00. I cried, this is where the hell I would get my COBRA money, from my family away from home. So awesome. Unfortunately that is running out and I once again have to figure out where I am going to get the bucks to pay for it, but where there is a will there is a way so no worries!
Fast forward to the end of June. I wanted to get all the ducks in a row for my return, so I sent an email to HR asking who I should talk to. Two days, finally got a response of "let me look into it" I knew then that I would never work there again, you know how you get those feelings. Another week went by, nothing. I emailed again and got the response "C***n will call you sometime today" Then I really knew. Of course he called and I heard what I knew was coming, unfortunately the economy is bad and there is no position for me. I went and got my stuff last Tuesday...after 8 years I only had one box to carry away from my corner office with the windows. I didn't cry when I drove away (ohhh but I did the whole time I was there, don't let me fool you), because this chapter is now closed! It was a great book, but they all have an end.
And another secret that I was not sharing too much of is that back in April, I applied for the RN program and on my first shot, I got on the alternate list. I am number 9 so I am hoping that at least that many drop off and I get in. It will be SWEET too because 2 of my study partners through Microbiology got in and we would be the triple threat - an awesome team!
So, the way I see it is that it is probably a good thing that I got fired. It prevented me from having to quit in January if I get into the program, it made it so I can get unemployment and get me through school, and it saved my car from 100 miles a day having to drive to Ontario. Windows closed - Doors opened!
So....what the heck will I do with myself now that I am going to be released with no job to go to?? Go to school of course! I registered for Spanish and Human Genetics starting in August and I am tickled that I can go during the day! 10:50am to 1:50pm Tuesday and Thursday, woo hoo!!!
Of course I will still focus on fundraising for Light the Night - and by the way, Team Joni is now at 23% of our 10k goal for the year! I know we can do it, I just know it! Last year we got almost half way to that in just 6 short weeks. Here is the link to our team, in case you want to join us or send a donation our way. Every penny counts in cancer research :o)
Okay, I have more to say, but I need to get some stuff done around here so I will log back in tomorrow.
xoxo - Joni